Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fun With Antichoice Inconsistencies

This response is really late to the party, most certainly, but what is it they say? Better late than never? Late it will just have to be.

In a June 10th post on her blog, Jill Stanek made a stunning revelation: feminists are selectively aborting future feminists. While many are finding it horrifying that feminists are so callously aborting the future of their own movement in such a manner, a few of us were left a little confused: when did we develop a prenatal test for feminism? Seriously. Here is Stanek's statement:

"Of course, Serena, the other reason 'there aren't enough of us out there making a difference' and why old feminists are having such trouble finding young feminists 'to pass the baton to' is because they've been aborted."

If we are going to take Stanek seriously (as I'm assuming she wants to be), we are going to work with the theory that women seeking abortions have the Genetic Feminism Analysis run on their fetus to make sure they are aborting the appropriate ones. I personally don't see how in the world this would be relevant, but obviously, if feminists are aborting all of their pre-feminists, they must have their reasons for weeding them out. I'd be interesting in knowing what those reasons are myself, seeing as how these deliberate aborting of future feminists is going to kill feminism of the future. And obviously Stanek is the only one capable of recognizing this.

So, since this is only now coming to light, I feel it's time for questions about this new procedure. Is this test specifically for feminism, or does it also cover other sociopolitical views like liberalism in general? Views on gay rights? Perhaps a woman could even find out how her baby will feel about the current mosque controversy! Also, is there a chance that feminism, liberalism, etc, can be heritable conditions? After all, many anti-choice and anti-equality parents birth and raise very equality minded progressive children. And vice-versa! The child of very openminded parents can grow up to succumb to the restrictive life of a conservative.

Enough of all of that. The real issue: how is our newfound Genetic Feminism Analysis going to affect abortion in our country? Again, Stanek's claim is that feminists are selectively aborting feminists. Seems counterproductive to me. So, how does it work for the antis?

Imagine if they could find out beforehand if their child would be prochoice. How many would break their own code to save face for their cause? How many antichoice activists would exercize their right to choose in such a situation? How many would seek an abortion from the very clinic they protest to ensure they did not have that gay child?

How often would they secretly utilize the very thing they oppose if they thought it would aid their cause? Or even just themselves?

It wouldn't be the first time:

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