Wednesday, January 19, 2011


There's some things I feel certain people in my life need to know. Many seem to be confused by my seemingly sudden switch from prolife to prochoice. They are wondering why, especially since most are antichoice or situationists at the most lax. I feel it's time to clarify.

I am prochoice:

-Because you are diabetic, you have MS, you have any assortment of problems that may threaten your wellbeing.
-Because you are homeless.
-Because you are a drug addict.
-Because you didn't ask to be raped.
-Because you did use precautions. Those precautions failed you at a critical time in your life.
-Because one day your daughter will secretly seek an abortion.
-Because no matter how much I or anyone else may disagree with your decision, I always want you HERE. With me. NO MATTER WHAT.
-Because you are only 14 and how you got pregnant is irrelevant. You clearly can't care for a child.
-Because children are the most amazing beings in the world and the most deserving individuals life have to offer. They are not consequences. They are not punishments. They are not weapons.
-Because our adoption and foster systems have been reduced to a joke.
-Because 43% of women choose to end their pregnancies. That's almost every other woman you or I know.
-Because prior to it being legal, 1 in 3 women who sought abortion died due to botched procedures.
-Because, when you take the two previous facts into consideration, 1 in 5-6 women in my life would be dead due to illegal procedures if abortion were not legal and safe.
-Because you have children you are already struggling to care for.
-Because you just found out that you have a heritable disorder that you do not want to force your child to suffer through as you now have to.
-Because I never want you to find out your child is dead because they were seeking an abortion.
-Because it's your freshman year in college and you had a few lapses in judgement due to all the excitement. And you still want to graduate.
-Because I wouldn't want someone telling me I have to end my pregnancy. Therefore I will not tell anyone they can't.
-Because you were already 4 months along when you found out and you had been partying frequently.
-Because you are trying to escape an abusive partner.
-Because I want you in my life.

But most of all, I am prochoice because I love you. I don't care who you are or what you've done. Someone's life is worthwhile and bearable because of you. Someone is loved because of you. And that someone should never have to suffer losing you over abortion.

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